Day 4

Worpress:~ TheZakMan$: cat flag.txt | base64 -d | rev > day4.txt


I totally forgot again that I had this WordPress. STUPID me!

Well, now that I’m playing way more CTF games and learning Python 2.7.
I will share more useful stuff here I’ve done in this lasts months, right now I’ve being playing Akyim’s first challenges on his

They are kinda not that good and some are not gonna be easy for people unfamiliar with CTF’s challenges.
So I recommend it if you are into playing and know some stuff in Japonese.

For those who like comic books, I recommend the “newMinimum Wage, by Robert Kirkman.
if you ever read Maximum Minimum Wage the new phase of Rob without Sylvia is a must, the style of the drawing and the plot matured perfectly trough this years.

Here is a fan art of Minimum Wage by another of my favorite comic artist: Joe Flood


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